Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Lets warm up!!

Walking Lunge
Do this routine twice pre-WOD to prime muscles. Stand with feet hip-width apart, arms overhead. Lunge forward with left foot so left thigh is parallel to floor, knee over ankle, right knee touching floor (as shown). Return to standing for 1 rep; repeat on opposite side, traveling forward. Continue, alternating sides. Do 20 reps. * works abs, butt, thighs, hamstring.

Scorpion Kick
Do this routine twice pre-WOD to prime muscles. Lie facedown with arms extended out to sides, palms down, legs together, toes on floor. With hands planted, rotate torso to right, reaching right foot to meet left hand (as shown) for 1 rep. Return to start; repeat on opposite side. Do 10 reps. * stretches shoulders, hips.

Hand Walk
Do this routine twice pre-WOD to prime muscles. Stand with feet hip-width apart. Keeping legs straight, bend forward, place hands on floor and walk hands into push-up position. Inch feet toward hands (as shown) to return to standing. Do 5 reps. * stretches shoulders, abs, hamstrings, calves.

Time priority: 10 minutes; do AMRAP Stand with feet hip-width apart, a weight on floor between feet. Bend forward, knees bent, pushing hips back; pick up weight (as shown). Stand; return weight to floor for 1 rep. Do 5 reps. * works back, abs, butt, thighs, hamstrings, calves.

Time priority: 10 minutes; do AMRAP Stand with feet hip-width apart. Crouch down; place hands on floor under shoulders. With hands planted, jump feet behind you, landing with entire body on floor. Hop feet (hands stay planted!) back to hands, then jump up, clapping hands overhead (as shown), to return to standing. Do 10 reps. * works shoulders, arms, back, abs, butt, thighs.

Butterfly Sit-Up
Time priority: 10 minutes; do AMRAP Lie faceup with a folded towel under lower back, soles of feet together with knees open to sides and arms overhead on floor (as shown). Sit up, touching fingers to toes. Return to start. Do 15 reps. * works abs.

Task priority: do 3 rounds Stand with feet hip-width apart, toes pointed out slightly, body weight in heels; hold a weight with both hands, arms extended at eye level. With chest lifted, sink down until hips are below knees (as shown). Return to start. Do 30 reps. * works butt, thighs

Wall Drill
Task priority: do 3 rounds Place hands on wall, wrists aligned with shoulders, legs straight, heels slightly raised. Keeping hands planted, quickly alternate driving knees toward chest in a high-knee run (as shown). Continue for 1 minute.

Time priority: 7 minutes; do AMRAP Start in push-up position with arms slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, legs extended behind you with feet hip-width apart (as shown). Bend arms to lower body until chest and thighs touch floor, then push back up to start. Do 5 reps. * works shoulders, triceps, chest, abs.

Hollow Body Rock
Time priority: 7 minutes; do AMRAP Lie faceup with legs together, toes pointed, arms extended overhead on floor, palms facing in. Engage abs and lift shoulders and feet off floor, creating a banana shape with your body (as shown). Rock back and forth for 1 rep. Do 10 reps. * works abs.


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